How to handle teenagers, a guideline from Psychologist Munira Soni

Handling teenagers have always been scary and these days with multiple exposures and different problems than what our parents had to handle, it is a big challenge for many parents.

The Millenials are different from the Xenellials, and so are their problems. Psychologist Munira Soni from Mannhealwill help you understand a few teenage problems and how to handle them.

Mental Health during Lockdown with Psychologist Munira Soni

What is the difference between a Psychiatrist and a Psychologist ?Both are trained Mental Health Professionals and can practice Psychotherapy. Yet, Each of these professionals has a different educational background, training, and role in treatment. A Psychiatrist is a medical doctor who can prescribe medications because of their medical training.

Munira Soni, Work Smart

So here is my seventh supporter for the WorkSmart Campaign. Let us know her thoughts on the same.

Munira Soni,31, Counselling Psychologist and founder of SOHAMNA INTERNATIONAL from Hongkong

What is your official office hours?Since I work as a freelancer I don’t have fixed hours, but I space out my work and personal commitments,